Arsenic in NL Water...


Well-Known Member
As a (now retired) environmental analytical chemist, I was aware that a number of areas in Newfoundland (and NB and NS) had high levels of naturally-occurring arsenic in their groundwater. I just saw this CBC article today and thought I would mention it here.

CBC Article on Arsenic - Link

If you are on a well and haven't had your water tested, it might be a good time to do so. Especially for Arsenic, but Antimony and Selenium are problems in some areas. In older homes, lead is often a concern, but generally due to plumbing artifacts (lead-based solder or pipes) rather than present in the groundwater. Manganese is another element that used to be considered to be innocuous, but Health Canada has established MAC (Maximum Acceptable Concentration) guidelines in recent years. Manganese is a big problem in many areas, often exceeding both AO (Aesthetic Objectives) and health-related MAC.

Tons of information at the Health Canada website - let me know if you have any questions on guidelines and remediation options.

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